Tag Archives: aviation

Welcome to the Dreadful Poetry Book Release Party

Watch your step on the gangplank as you come aboard Wizard Kadmeion’s airship.

Disregard the Somewhat Frightful Face

Disregard the Somewhat Frightful Face

Glad You Came

Love your beautiful hair and outfit, my dear. Is that big purple and white flower on your dress enchanted? Oh, it giggles, and smells like good luck. Yes then, it’s the perfect thing to wear today to the wizard’s affair.

See that homunculus with the three legs standing just inside the door? That is one of Sir Bright’s clockworks creations. Disregard Marty’s somewhat frightful face that looks like a metal triangle. Hand your cloak to him. Marty will remove the snow with a brush made of dragon eyelashes, and hold your garment in the atrium until it is time to go.

The rest of the guests are gathering in the forward lounge. Kadmeion, his elf assistant Bright, and the wizard’s cynanthrope familiar Furgo are here. The woodland fairies flit about, are always ready to perch on your hand, and talk about their naughty ways. Wizard Morton from the university arrived earlier, along with a few Magic Guild cronies.

Before you go inside, take a moment please, and step to the display table over here. This will take only a moment.

Dreadful Poetry by Lita BurkeSpells Transport Your Copy to You

Get your very own copy of our wizard’s latest story, Dreadful Poetry. Today is release day!

Dreadful Poetry tells about the wee bit of trouble the boys had while at the university. Bright was not always a mage, and Kadmeion had quite the time of it with his field study. For a while, it seemed that both of them would land in magician’s prison.

Thank you for the small amount it takes for the wizards at Amazon to fuel the transport spells that whisk an eBook immediately to you. Their clever enchantments will deliver your book to these magical locations around the world: US, UK, CA, AU, and IN.

Look Who Just Arrived

Kadmeion’s Auntie Em just stepped in. Let’s give her a few minutes to greet her favorite nephew. Oh, look. The wizard is bringing her over to say hello to us.

Next post: Searching for Auntie Em in Dreadful Poetry

The Wuddlekins Island Unicorns

Release Day for Glitter Ponies

Lita Burke is pleased to announce today’s eBook release of her latest fantasy novel, Glitter Ponies.

The Wizard’s Airship Leaves Port Today for the Land of Clockpunk Wizard

The Wizard’s Airship Leaves Port Today for the Land of Clockpunk Wizard

The wizard’s airship leaves port today for another journey into the land of Clockpunk Wizard. Watch your step on the gangplank. Refreshments are in the forward parlor.

Travel with Wizard Kadmeion to floating Wuddlekins Island. Meet unicorns, their crossbreed offspring called glitter ponies, brownies, and the mysterious boggarts.

Find out what vacations are really like for wizards, fairies, and half-elf mages. Learn why wild brownies detest wizards so. See how matters get especially interesting when Lady Luck’s young daughter plays with the odds.

The Glitter Ponies eBook is available now for immediate gratification on your Kindle, computer, or smart phone. Today is a splendid day to take a ride on a wizard’s airship. All aboard!

Glitter Ponies eBook on Amazon US, UK, CA, IN, and AU

Glitter Ponies on Goodreads

Glitter Ponies back cover blurb

Glitter Ponies book page

Lita Burke on Goodreads

Two Days Before the Wizard’s Airship Departs

Meet Kadmeion's New Wizard Friend in Glitter Ponies

Meet Kadmeion’s New Wizard Friend in Glitter Ponies

More about the goings-on at Lita’s castle in preparation for the Glitter Ponies eBook launch this weekend.

The eBook for Glitter Ponies is ready to go for this coming Saturday, September 26th. But Lita has no time to rest. This next story in the Clockpunk Wizard world will also have a paperback version, and it will be available in a few weeks.

Paperback Writer

Everything is different between the eBook and the paperback, except for the story, of course. The interior uses an alternative font and layout. The front cover looks the same, but it must be a print version of the artwork instead of its web version. To describe it using a wizard’s ~twisty~ logic, the difference is like when Sir Bright uses his elf-kind Glamour spell–he is handsome even without magic.

Tessa-marine is One of Wizard Kadmeion's Fairies in Glitter Ponies

Tessa-marine is One of Wizard Kadmeion’s Fairies in Glitter Ponies

The back cover and spine must be done just so, or the print book aficionados will be so disappointed. Fussy stuff to get it perfect, but Lita insists on providing only the best for Gentle Reader.

Instant Gratification for Your Kindle

No need to stand in line at the aerodrome ticket window on Saturday to get your seat on the wizard’s airship to the land of Clockpunk Wizard. Preorder Glitter Ponies now and have magical electronic birds whisk the story to your Kindle first thing Saturday morning. That is how Lita thinks it works, anyway.

Be the first to meet a new wizard friend of Kadmeion’s. His three fey-folk fairies also lend a hand in straightening out the matter with the wild brownies that attack visiting wizards to Wuddlekins Island.

Glitter Ponies on Amazon US

Glitter Ponies on Amazon UK

Glitter Ponies on Goodreads

Glitter Ponies book page

Back cover blurb

Waiting For the Magical Cover for Glitter Ponies

Cover Reveal Party for Glitter Ponies: Origin of the Story

Welcome aboard the AS Patsy Nottle for the Glitter Ponies cover reveal party. Step into the forward parlor, and help yourself to the refreshments. Find a comfortable chair with a good view of the covered easel.

Previously: Cover Reveal Party for Glitter Ponies: Welcome

Buttery Mashed Potatoes Charmed to Look Like Roses

Buttery Mashed Potatoes Charmed to Look Like Roses


Kadmeion and Bright may be bachelors recently graduated from the university, but they both have a knack in the kitchen. Food created from pure magic is not especially nourishing unless it has a mundane basis. In the Clockpunk Wizard world, magicians sometimes use spells to enhance food that is wholesome, but simply made. For example, a mage might charm buttery mashed potatoes so they look like golden roses nestled in china bowls. Bright made some for today’s party. They go well with the hearty wildebeest steak strips.

Lady Luck’s young daughter Probability has joined us for today’s party. She loves to eat pretty things, so Kadmeion prepared her favorite vegetable and cheese dish. The wizard bespelled the carrots to look like flowers. He wove the cheese into a clever basket. Gentle Reader, please help yourself to their crunchy goodness.

Lady Luck's Daughter Loves These Bespelled Vegetables

Lady Luck’s Daughter Loves These Bespelled Vegetables

Coffee is a frequent treat for wizards and sorceresses. They prepare coffee trays using spells that keep their brews at the perfect temperature.

In Glitter Ponies, Bright mastered Kadmeion’s spell that floated a coffee service. The tray followed him here and there like a loyal puppy. If you are of a mind, enjoy a cup of the wizard’s favorite grind—drink it black, or laden your demitasse with cream and spices.

Origins of the Glitter Ponies Story

Kadmeion and Bright now set down their coffee cups, stand, and tell us the reasons for their Glitter Ponies vacation.

“We had visited Lady Luck at her home on Fluke Island,” Kadmeion says. “Our business then concerned Old Bony Blue Eyes.”

If You Are of a Mind, Join the Wizard in Coffee With Spice

If You Are of a Mind, Join the Wizard in Coffee With Spice

Bright continues. “But matters were off kilter for Lady Luck. She expects another daughter to arrive in a few months. During the hubbub, Probability came to me, and confided that she dearly wished to see unicorns.”

“It seemed an easy request to take a charming child on a vacation to see these docile and sweet creatures,” Kadmeion said. “Or so they told us at Agatha University about the nature of unicorns.”

“The unicorns did not behave as we expected.” Bright grimaces. “And something much worse than cranky unicorns happened.”

Kadmeion nods. “Much worse. Bright’s father, the Elf Prince M’Choakenchilde, surprised us with a visit.”

“He made a demand of me that turned our wizard for hire business all discombobulated.”

The Green Silk Whispers and Floats Like a Sorceress's Dress

The Green Silk Whispers and Floats Like a Sorceress’s Dress

Kadmeion pulls an intricate watch out of his pocket, and checks the time. “For a shame, no time to explain. Time now to show the book cover for Glitter Ponies. Will you give me a hand with this, Bright?”

The two magic men step to either side of the easel, take hold of the sumptuous green silk that hides the book cover, and turn to us. They grin.

“Here goes,” says the wizard. They tug away the silk. It whispers and floats like a sorceress’s dress in the wind.

Next: Book Cover for Glitter Ponies

Rigging of the AS Patsy Nottle

Cover Reveal Party for Glitter Ponies: Welcome

Welcome aboard the AS Patsy Nottle for the Glitter Ponies cover reveal party. Before we head into the forward parlor for refreshments, Copernicus, the airship’s navigator, explains the specifications of Wizard Kadmeion’s airborne home.

About the Good and True AS Patsy Nottle

An Airship Operating in Its Water-Surface Mode

An Airship Operating in Its Water-Surface Mode

The Airship (“AS”) Patsy Nottle is a carrack class wooden and stone airship invented in the 16th century. The carrack airship comes with six sails: a bowsprit, foresail, mizzen, spritsail, and two topsails. The hull is fashioned from floating rock to give the ship neutral buoyancy in airborne operations. The sails provide wind propulsion and steerage. Perpetual enchantments see to basic operations, defense, and personal comfort of the crew and guests.

Carrack airships are square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast. The mizzenmast is lateen-rigged. They have a high rounded stern. The carrack airships have a large aftercastle, forecastle, and bowsprit. The carrack airship can also operate as a water-surface ship.

Specifications for the AS Patsy Nottle

Airship Class: Carrack

Origin: Agatha Island Aerodrome and Shipyard

Initial Year of Service: 1625

Commissioning Agency: Agatha Island Magic Guild, for operation by human wizards and sorceresses in good guild standing.

An Airship Weathering a Magical Storm

An Airship Weathering a Magical Storm

Captain: (Wizard) Haldemare Kadmeion Dorian Trentworthy sen Magica Vir

First Mate: (Honorable Mage) Wolverhampton Brighton M’Choakenchilde

Navigator: (Minor Demon Homunculus) Copernicus

Crew: 40 (mostly clockworks rig monkeys or demon-inhabited homunculi)

Length: 75 feet

Beam: 25 feet

Draught: 6 feet

Displacement: 223 long tons (minus floating rock displacement)

Machinery: Standard sailing magical clockworks. This vessel has typical below decks gearing and linkage to accommodate the sailing spells.

Speed: 6.7 knots (unaided by magic)

Range: Unlimited

A Fairy's Point of View of the Oak Forest on Kadmeion's Airship

A Fairy’s Point of View of the Oak Forest on Kadmeion’s Airship

The airship inside volume is much larger than the outside hull dimensions due to perpetual Inverse Magic spells. The AS Patsy Nottle has spacious crew quarters, private sitting rooms, parlors, galley, spell casting workrooms, and a quercetum for Sir Bright’s miniature oak tree forest. Kadmeion’s fey-folk fairies live in the quercetum.

Next: Refreshments and origin of the Glitter Ponies story

Ice Devil

Ice Devils

Lita takes Gentle Reader to the land of Clockpunk Wizard today, with an excerpt from Old Bony Blue Eyes.

Mountain Pass to Fearsome Valley

Mountain Pass to Fearsome Valley

Wizard Kadmeion, his assistant Sir Bright, and the wizard’s cynanthrope familiar Furgo have flown their airship to floating Wager Island. They now journey by horseback over a mountain pass to Lady Luck’s home. They must take this difficult path because workers are repairing the Lady’s airship dock.

They must cross the glacier-filled Fearsome Valley. The wizard says that if they are lucky, they will not meet the unpleasant residents called Ice Devils. The mountain path has narrowed, and the travelers must walk their horses single file. They go around a curve. Before them stretches Fearsome Valley. And unfortunately, they have a welcoming committee.

An odd glint caught Bright’s eye. He turned his head and froze.

An Ice Devil stood on the snow. Bright’s imagination had been too kind. This dazzling horror was almost four feet tall and bristled with icicles. The creature radiated nastiness and sucked joy from the air. The only good news was that the creature stood twenty feet away from the path.

“Kadmeion? Are you sure Ice Devils can’t leave the snow?”

“I am sure. Maybe it won’t follow us.”

They Journey by Horseback Over a Mountain Pass to Lady Luck's Home

They Journey by Horseback Over a Mountain Pass to Lady Luck’s Home

Not to be. The Ice Devil skittered across the glacier’s surface, and then froze. Bright saw no eyes in the part of the creature that resembled a head, but the narfleet was positive it had no difficulty tracking their movements. They rounded a bend. A rockfall blocked the trail. Ten Ice Devils waited at the snow line.

“Can you blast the fall away with magic, Kadmeion?”

The wizard examined the heap of dirt and rocks. Kadmeion shook his head.

“Could you elevate the largest rocks so we can get by?” Bright asked. “The entire slide doesn’t need moving, only enough so we can get over it.”

“I can do that, but it will be difficult.”

(Old Bony Blue Eyes excerpt Copyright 2013 by Lita Burke. All rights reserved.)

Read more in Chapter 1

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Amazon US

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Amazon UK

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Smashwords

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Barnes & Noble

Mermaid in a Bubble Trouble

Following a string of floating water globes called The Water Pearls

Following a string of floating water globes called The Water Pearls

Lita takes Gentle Reader to the land of Clockpunk Wizard today, with an excerpt from Old Bony Blue Eyes.

Wizard Kadmeion, Sir Bright, and the three fairies are on their airship and following a string of floating water globes called The Water Pearls to Sir Death’s island at the edge of their plate-shaped ocean world. A mermaid has taken a ride inside a large Water Pearl. Her globe has tangled in the airship’s rigging. Bright has just rescued their three fairies from the mermaid’s glamour spell. She is ravenous for magic, and tried to eat the fey-folk. Kadmeion has just climbed up to join them on the cabin roof. The mermaid tries her spell again, but this time focuses it on the young, magic-rich wizard.

Izlyesende kissed the squeezed spot in apology. Bright’s ear tingled from the fairy’s magic.

Izlyesende kissed the squeezed spot in apology. Bright’s ear tingled from the fairy’s magic.

Bright felt the itch of the mermaid’s renewed attraction spell. Izlyesende gasped, pinched the narfleet’s ear, and then relaxed when Bright’s natural glamour resistance protected the three fairies. Izlyesende kissed the squeezed spot in apology. Bright’s ear tingled from the fairy’s magic.

“Stop it, Madam Mermaid,” Kadmeion said. “Your trick will not work on me.”

Her glamour spell trickled away. This mermaid was a colorless, almost translucent being. She turned around once in her bubble, tried unsuccessfully to push her Water Pearl away from its mooring to the cabin roof, then curled into a waiting stance.

“Will you hold my hand, Sir Wizard?”

“You would surely bite me if I allowed that.”

“Will you hold my hand, Sir Wizard?”

“Will you hold my hand, Sir Wizard?”

“Mer has poor magical fare,” she said.

“Is that why mermaids savage wizards who fall into the sea?”

“Magic too long denied has made us greedy.” She brushed away her floating cloud of white hair and gave it an impatient glance.

If you want to woo her cooperation, Kadmeion, try a spell to play with her hair, Bright mind spoke.

Bright’s suggestion earned him a glance and a nod from the wizard. Kadmeion turned back to the fussing mermaid and sang this spell.

“Lovely mermaid encased in Water Pearl,
You grace my airship with hair unfurled.
Beautiful silver tresses
Replace land-lady’s dresses.
Your hair now obeys me. Undulate. Curl.”

The wizard made her locks sway and swim to his whim.

The wizard made her locks sway and swim to his whim.

Kadmeion lifted his hand and made a delicate swirling motion. The mermaid’s long hair lifted away from her face and mimicked the motion of the wizard’s hand.

He made her locks sway and swim to his whim. Kadmeion first twirled the long strands around her slim waist, and then spun them atop her head in a confectionary arrangement of braids and sparkling magical bits. By the time he finished the spell, the mermaid’s eyes glowed with pleasure.

(Old Bony Blue Eyes excerpt Copyright 2013 by Lita Burke. All rights reserved.)

Read Chapter 1 of Old Bony Blue Eyes for FREE

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Amazon US

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Amazon UK

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Smashwords

Old Bony Blue Eyes on Barnes & Noble

Handsome Young Man Awaits a Magical Elevator Pitch

Ephraim’s Elevator Pitch

All sorts of odd things happen at Lita’s castle. Even a trip on a mundane lift turns magical when a sorceress goes along for the ride.

The Box Beyond This Door Whisks You From the Ground to the Clouds in a Magical Minute

The Box Beyond This Door Whisks You From the Ground to the Clouds in a Magical Minute

The fun of fantasy worlds is that anyone can turn the mundane into the fantastic. Consider the magic of elevators. You enter the box on the ground floor of a lofty office building, and faster than an eagle can fly, it transports Gentle Reader to the building’s peak among the clouds. See? Magical.

Let Lita spin an enchantment the next time Gentle Reader rides in one of those lovely magical boxes. Now suppose this happens instead. Press the Up button to call enchantment. The doors rumble open. You, Madam Lita, and two others step inside the compartment. The elevator doors close, and then sigh as if whispering magical words. One of your companions, a jeans-clad guy all curious and handsome, sits down in front of the doors. “Madam Lita, tell me your tale,” he says. “But you have only a minute to beguile me.”

Press the Up Button to Summon Enchantment

Press the Up Button to Summon Enchantment

Well. Lita would smile, rub her hands, and weave this spell called Elevator Pitch.

“Let me tell you Ephraim’s sad and lovely tale,” Lita says. “It is about a wizard who seeks a magical thingummy to free his kidnapped familiar.”

Your other elevator companion, a suit-clad businessman whose face looks like he eats unsweetened lemons, shakes his head. He sets down his stuffed and tired leather briefcase, and then crosses his arms. “Tell me more, Madam Lita. Good luck enchanting this doubting fool.”

“The young Wizard Kadmeion struggles with getting his magician-for-hire business off the ground.” Lita goes on about the wizard’s adventures in the skies filled with islands floating above the sea. [Find more of Lita’s spell here]

Beyond the Lift's Doors Stretches a Grassy Airship Field

Beyond the Lift’s Doors Stretches a Grassy Airship Field

The satisfied young man blocking the exit stands. He steps aside and the elevator doors bang open. The lemon-faced man jumps.

Lita and the jeans-wearing man grin. Beyond the lift’s doors stretches a grassy airship field from the plate-shaped ocean world of Ephraim’s Curious Device. Take a deep breath and smell the grass and engine oil. Hear the screeching birds and the thumping of the propellers. Shiver a bit, because it is chilly beyond the doors.

“That’s impossible,” says lemon-faced man.

The handsome guy makes a grand gesture. His hand leaves a ribbon of glittery magic in the air. “See the fantasy world for yourself, doubting sir, and be a fool no more.”

The Enchantment So Beguiled Him, the Visitor Forgot His Briefcase

The Enchantment So Beguiled Him, the Visitor Forgot His Briefcase

Lemon-faced man nods, adjusts his tie, and steps across the threshold. The elevator doors close. Oops. The enchantment so beguiled him, the visitor forgot his briefcase stuffed with mundane world cares. Not to worry. He can fetch his Case of Cares during the return trip.

“Ah, Madam Lita. Tell me another Elevator Pitch?” jeans-clad man asks. He punches the Down button, again settles to the floor, and awaits the next story.

Lita again rubs her hands. “Let’s find more beguiling tales at Lisa’s Elevator Pitches.”

Ephraim’s Curious Device on Amazon US

Ephraim’s Curious Device on Amazon UK

Ephraim’s Curious Device on Goodreads

Read about Lisa Hall’s Elevator Pitches

Mage Sir Bright's Magic

Dramatis Personæ: Bright

The Dramatis Personæ is the roster of conjurers and sentient magical creatures staying in the many rooms, grottos, and byways of Lita’s castle. Here is an entry in the guest book for the Clockpunk Wizard Wing.

Sir Bright

Sir Bright

Bright [brīt] proper noun, c.1000; ME >OE beorht, breht > Gothic  bairht, Old Saxon beraht, Old Norse  bjartr; < berkto- Welsh  berth “splendid”; L flagrāre “to blaze”; Albanian bardhë “white”;  Sanskrit  bhrājate “shines”; also Brighton

  • Profession: Assistant for Wizard Kadmeion
  • Race: Narfleet (a half-blood with a human mother and elf father), male
  • Appearance: blue eyes, blond hair, medium build
  • Full Name: Wolverhampton Brighton M’Choakenchilde
  • Formal Title: Twice-Seventh Son Mage
  • Honorifics: Honorable Mage, Sir Bright
  • Education: Master Magician in the Clockwork Arts, summa cum laude, Agatha University of Magical Arts and Sciences
  • Milieu: Bright is a denizen of the Clockpunk Wizard world.
Nesting Land Porpoises Jumping to Their Rookery on the Floating Island of Dolphin Barns

Nesting Land Porpoises Jumping to Their Rookery on the Floating Island of Dolphin Barns

Bright is the seventh son of Elf Mage Higginbotham Norfiwyn M’Choakenchilde (also a seventh son), and Sorceress Wode Rilmandra. Bright’s father and grandfather are Princes of the Elf Court. Bright grew up on the floating island of Dolphin Barns, named after its extensive rookeries of nesting land porpoises. Because of his human mother and twice-seventh son lineage, his parents hoped that Norfiwyn’s seventh son would be a rare elf wizard (wizardry is a human magic). When Rilmandra became pregnant with Bright, Norfiwyn hired Wizard Pursuance to be his son’s magical caretaker.

Never Once Did Young Bright Ever Fall Out of a Tree

Never Once Did Young Bright Fall Out of a Tree

Pursuance was unable to control his greed. He enchanted the helpless babe in his crib and siphoned the lad’s magic for his own use. This parasite damaged Bright’s wizardry  and most of his native elf magic beyond repair. This hampered magical ability made growing up a trial. He was the frequent target of his older brothers’ teasing. The school bullies were especially harsh.

To escape the taunts and constant magical humiliation, young Bright fled to the forests and excelled at tree climbing. Never once did the boy fall out of a tree. Rilmandra, hopeful that somehow her son would become a mage, attributed his aerial safety to the remnants of his wizardry.

Professor Morton Introduced Bright to Wizard Kadmeion at the Agatha University of Magical Arts and Sciences

Professor Morton Introduced Bright to Wizard Kadmeion at the Agatha University of Magical Arts and Sciences

When Bright moved to Agatha to attend the university, he apprenticed as a rig monkey in the zeppelin yard. He planned to sign up for the Airship Guild after graduation.

Professor Morton introduced Bright to the soon-to-graduate Kadmeion. The wizardling took on the damaged narfleet as an assistant despite the naysayers. Because Kadmeion had known the now deceased Wizard Pursuance, Kadmeion could correct most of Bright’s magical damage. However, for the narfleet to work all but the simplest spells, he must share a profound magical binding with an accommodating wizard.

The Honorable Mage Brighton Has a Master Magician Degree in the Clockwork Arts

The Honorable Mage Brighton Has a Master Magician Degree in the Clockwork Arts

Bright’s love of trees blossomed into Arboriculture, which was his undergraduate minor at Agatha. His passion was cultivating oak trees.

He converted the bay window of his dormitory room into a quercetum, filled it with saplings, and lavished his scant enchantments on them. His roommates swore that when Bright talked to his pet trees, they answered the narfleet in sighing whispers.

See “Twice-Seventh Son Elf Magic.” Find out more about Bright’s many adventures as Wizard Kadmeion’s assistant in the Clockpunk Wizard stories:

Airship Leaves Now for the Clockpunk Wizard World

New: Book Trailer for Old Bony Blue Eyes

Enter a Fantasy World Stuffed with Wizardry, Clockwork Gadgets, and the Mechanisms of da Vinci

Enter a Fantasy World Stuffed with Wizardry, Clockwork Gadgets, and the Mechanisms of da Vinci

Visit a 16th century world filled with the technology of Leonardo da Vinci and ~twisty~ wizard’s magic.

Lita is pleased to invite Gentle Reader onto the Clockpunk Wizard airship to view the book trailer for Old Bony Blue Eyes.

Along the way to Sir Death’s castle, watch for the lurking monsters and opportunistic beauties. Talk with a cranky dragon, see the lovely Lady Luck, then guard the wizard’s back during his battleground visit with the bickering egos of Lord and Madam War. All of that before we arrive at Undying Island and endure the deadly trials on the Longest Mile Road.

Airship Leaves Now for the Clockpunk Wizard World

Airship Leaves Now for the Clockpunk Wizard World

Be sure to bring your own lunch–wizards say that Old Bony sets a poor table. The reason why might surprise you.

A must-see at the castle is The Library. The tomes hold all the magical wisdom from Wizard Kadmeion’s plate-shaped, ocean world. But beware of the madness in some of Sir Death’s books.

Wait no longer. Watch your step on the gangplank. Come see the Old Bony Blue Eyes book trailer on YouTube now, before the airship sails away.