Welcome to the ~Twisty~ Magic of Lita Burke's Fantasy Worlds

About Lita

I am LITA BURKE, an indie fantasy author. As an avid reader, I enjoy downloading titles by new authors onto my Kindle and reading during my commute on the train. I work a day job and write my fantasy stories early in the morning before the day clutters up my brain.

I’ve written fantasy fiction since I was 10 years old. As a teenager, I kept a daily journal where I recorded my observations of life and my place within it. As an introvert, it puzzled me how others could be so outgoing and cool (which I wasn’t–I was a geek before it was popular).

I wrote my first novels about the magical world, Enchanters of Sye, in Wrath and Tredan’s Bane when I was in college. These early novels were the coming of age explorations of a young Enchanter. I don’t plan to publish these earlier stories, but Sye still calls to me, and so I write about it.

Lita Burke's Office

The Clockpunk Wizard stories came much later. I drafted them for a publisher requesting fantasy novellas. This publisher declined the stories, but I kept writing the series because Wizard Kadmeion and his assistant magician Sir Bright still had things happening in their plate-shaped ocean world.

I have revisited the Clockpunk Wizard stories, made them presentable, and now offer them for your enjoyment. Forever Boy starts things off with an adventure for Kadmeion’s familiar, Furgo. Ephraim’s Curious Device takes the two magicians on a quest for a magical object that will free the kidnapped Furgo. The latest Clockpunk Wizard story, Old Bony Blue Eyes, takes our three heroes on a dangerous journey to Sir Death’s castle as a favor for a love-starved dragon named Lady Betrayal.

Lita's Friend Conjuring Up Clockpunk Wizard Fun

One thing I love about the fantasy genre are the imaginative works produced by indie artists and musicians. I enjoy combining their genius with my humble words to create videos of fantasy worlds. When you have a few free minutes, please visit Lita’s elsewheres for Film Noir, Floating Lands, Steampunk London, and Evil Circus. Be sure to stop by Lita’s Magic Shows and immerse yourself in fantasy images, music, and magic.

Whether you visit the Enchanters of Sye, immerse yourself in one of Lita’s fantasy world videos, or ride an airship in Clockpunk Wizard, I hope you enjoy the journey. Do not fear during your travels. It matters not what perils you find in those fantasy worlds, for I will see you safely home.

13 thoughts on “About Lita

  1. Pingback: No Carrier Pigeons Need Apply | Lita Burke

  2. Pingback: 100 Sales and One Good Review « Darius Jones

  3. acflory

    Oh! So you wrote ‘Ephraim’s Curious Device’! Apologies, I remember titles better than people’s names [introvert too although that’s no excuse]. I only started ECD last night but I’m really enjoying your refreshing take on wizards and wizardry.


    1. Lita Burke Post author

      Ephraim’s was fun to write. The fey-folk are additions from the original manuscript, but they presented themselves as “approved stowaways” on Hurt Island, so I let them come on board. Thanks for your kind comments. I hope you enjoy the story.



      1. acflory

        Thanks Lita. I have a few stowaways of my own! I really enjoyed the story – it was a fun read – I just wish I could have gotten to know Bright and Kadmeion a little better. Do they feature in ‘Old Bony Blue Eyes’?


  4. Lita Burke Post author

    There will be plenty more about Wizard Kadmeion and magician Bright in “Old Bony.” I also have more about them in “Forever Boy,” too. You can also meet the wizard’s familiar, Furgo.

    Glad you liked the story.


  5. The Story Reading Ape

    Hi Lita,

    Nice blog, how would you like to see a blog set up to promote New (to me) Authors and their books?

    Call over and have a look at mine and if you like it enough, I’d be delighted if you became a follower 🙂



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