Tag Archives: Church magician

A Sye Catacomb

Book of the Dead: Catacombs

The Book of the Dead explains the nature of Church magic in the Enchanters of Sye world.

Sciomancers Perform Ritualistic Spells to Maintain the Ghosts in the Catacombs

Sciomancers Perform Ritualistic Spells to Maintain the Ghosts in the Catacombs

catacombs [kat uh kohmz] noun, c.800, ME catacomb < OE catacumbe < L catacumbās < G katakýmbās, hollow, cup; also Under Church or ghost hall.

  • Physical: Underground stone-lined enclosures
  • Magic Type: Church/Piety
  • Spell Group: Incorporeal Matters
  • Restrictions on Physical and Magical Construction: Priest only construction, Sciomancer only maintenance; all other secular, Magic Guild, and Enchanter magicians disallowed. Only Sciomancer magic may bind a ghost to the corporeal world using a relic.
  • Ghost Magic: Secular magicians, Magic Guild, and Enchanters may summon a catacomb ghost provided the magic does not confine the spirit.
Sciomancers Light Candles to Warm the Ghosts

Sciomancers Light Candles to Warm the Ghosts

Catacombs are underground hallways, alcoves, and tunnels beneath Church buildings that house receptacles for ghost relics.

To build a catacomb, three Priests combine their magical power and draw on the pooled enchantments of an above ground Church building. The town’s Priest tends the structure spells afterwards.

Sciomancers furnish the catacomb hallways and alcoves with candle niches, metal name markers, and locked drawers to hold ghost relics. They support a favorable ghost environment by tending the upkeep of the catacombs, performing ritualistic spells, and lighting candles to warm the spirits.

Visitors Leave Dishes of Magic-rippling Water For the Ghosts

Visitors Leave Dishes of Magic-rippling Water For the Ghosts

Church followers visit the catacombs, leave small remembrances in the niches, and recite spells to encourage the ghosts to stay in the corporeal realm instead of journeying to the Fields of Yalu.

The gifts are usually flowers or plants, dishes of magic-rippling water, or tiny wind chimes on a stand that have a small spell to make the bells sound.

Explore Sye ghost care and meet a valued catacomb ghost in these blog posts:

Read more about ghost amulets, the Book of the Dead, and how ghosts help a magical charms maker hide a dangerous spell book in these Enchanters of Sye stories:

A Wintertime Mountain House in the Sye Fantasy World

Guild Matters Sye: Midwinter Festival for Church Magicians

The Guild Matters Sye book whispers the arcane secrets of the Magic Workers and Merchant guilds. This is the second of three stories about Sye’s Midwinter Festival.

Previously: Midwinter Festival for Secular Magicians

Sciomancers Put Candles on the Tombs in the Burial Yards

Sciomancers Put Candles on the Tombs in the Burial Yards

Sciomancers in the Enchanters of Sye world honor the wandering dead during the three-day Midwinter Festival. These Church magicians visit every tomb in the Burial Yards and catacombs during the weeks before the Midwinter Festival.

The Sciomancers leave unlit candles in sheltered niches on the doors of the dead’s homes. They also recite traditional prayers to prepare the tomb for its ghost.

Unlike the window candles that secular magicians use, Church candles do not burn Enchanter essence. They are traditional paraffin candles protected by containers that hold Church magic. The Sciomancers leave charms in the candle niches to link the candles magically.

Sciomancers Visit All the Tombs in the Autumn Months

Sciomancers Visit All the Tombs in the Autumn Months

At Soul’s Midnight of the first morning of Midwinter Festival, the town’s Priest leads his Sciomancers in weaving one of the Church’s foundation spells. This magic lights all the linked candles in the Burial Yards. During the Midwinter Festival, the wandering ghosts will seek out the lighted tombs and catacombs instead of visiting the houses of the living. The Priests stop the illumination spells at Soul’s Midnight of the fourth morning.

Next time: Midwinter Festival for Enchanters

Read more about the Enchanters of Sye world:

Ghost Amulet

Book of the Dead: Ghost Amulet

The Book of the Dead explains the nature of Church magic in the Enchanters of Sye world.

A Spirit Inside of a Ghost Amulet

A Spirit Inside of a Ghost Amulet

ghost amulet [gōst amyələt] noun, c.900, OE gāst < ME goost; c.1550 amalettys < L amuletum; also spirit fetish or periapt.

  • Physical: Charm, midsize
  • Magic: Church/Piety
  • Spell Group: Incorporeal Matters
  • Restrictions on Physical Construction: Secular, Magic Guild, and Enchanter magic allowed
  • Ghost Magic: Sciomancer or Priest summons only; Secular and Magic Guild disallowed due to safety; Enchanters disallowed per agreement

A ghost amulet is a charm no larger than a woman’s fist. Its purpose is to house willing incorporeal beings (“ghosts”) who wish to stay in the Sye physical realm under shelter of Church magic. Ghost amulets are portable magical items and can be worn if the carrier has specific spells for protection from the ghost. A typical ghost amulet has a gold metal casing etched with beautiful spells.

Last Year's Winner in the Magic Guild's Contest for Best Bubble World Inside of a Ghost Amulet

Last Year’s Winner in the Magic Guild’s Contest for Best Bubble World Inside of a Ghost Amulet

The inside of ghost amulets are much larger than the outside. Amulet interiors range from simple single rooms to intricately furnished multi-chamber homes. The best ghost amulet makers create small “bubble worlds” that include landscapes, sunlight, and weather.

Summoning and manipulating ghosts is a Church Sciomancer magical specialty. Secular magicians and Magic Guild are forbidden to manipulate ghosts because of the danger to the magician. According to agreed-upon magical segregation, Enchanters do not practice ghost manipulation. However, only Enchanter Grandmasters have enough magical power to send (and retrieve) living visitors to the Fields of Yalu.

Explore Sye ghost care and meet a celebrated Sciomancer ghost in these blog posts:

Read more about ghost amulets, the Book of the Dead, and how ghosts help a magical charms maker hide a dangerous spell book in these Enchanters of Sye stories:

Sciomancer Secrets

Necronomicon Enchanter: Clergy Secrets

Within the pages of the Necronomicon Enchanter book in Lita’s library, the curious may learn the Enchanters’ magical matters. Beware, for the knowledge might drive the reader mad with bitter desire and luscious regret.


Because Enchanter-generated essence is the sole source of human magic on Sye, the Church magicians buy it from the Magic Workers Guild. The clergy hide their dependency on Enchanter essence from Church parishioners.

Church Magicians Hide the Origin of Their Magic

Church Magicians Hide the Origin of Their Magic

To make its magic morally palatable, the Sye Church purifies the Enchanters’ essence. They collect the magic in founts, and then distribute the essence to the faithful with a device called a Magical Resonator.

Some of the most devout Church followers practice Essence Deprivation. This systematic abstinence from magical essence purifies the practitioner from the Enchanters’ carnal influences.

Since humans in Sye require magical essence to survive, the deprived soon break their abstinence vows and take in magical essence. Essence Deprivation followers risk insanity, poor health, and may suffer from what Enchanters call Essence Madness.

Find out more about the Enchanters, Sciomancers, and their ongoing struggles in the books from the Enchanters of Sye world:

Church Magicians Established 5 Counterparts to the Enchanter Schools

Necronomicon Enchanter: Church Magicians

Within the pages of the Necronomicon Enchanter book in Lita’s library, the curious may learn the Enchanters’ magical matters. Beware, for the knowledge might drive the reader mad with bitter desire and luscious regret. Today’s chapter describes how Sye balanced its magical power.


Essence Required

The Enchanters’ efforts to collect Sye’s weak and scattered magic into the concentrated essence form caused a fundamental imbalance. After the Enchanters formed the essence reservoirs in the schools, there was no turning back. The humans and certain magical creatures now needed daily doses of essence to work, and the essence mad showed the consequences of magical deprivation.

A Moralistic Outcry Against the Enchanters' Essence Kiss

A Moralistic Outcry Against the Enchanters’ Essence Kiss

The Enchanters had now sequestered themselves in the protective spells of the five schools and used the Merchant and Magic Worker Guilds as buffers. A moralistic outcry against the essence kiss and its recipient’s subjection to the Enchanters gave many non-magicians a common purpose. They formed small groups that met in secret where they plotted overthrow the too-powerful Enchanters.

The schools’ protective spells sheltered the fragile magic of the Enchanters, but disrupted the Magic Guild’s ability to draw off magic into the essence charms. For a time, the Enchanters’ magical essence became scarce. Some non-magicians died fighting the essence mad for their stockpiles of essence charms.

Old Forest Summoned Grandmasters Surat and Cha to the Site of the Original Enclave

Old Forest Summoned Grandmasters Surat and Cha to the Site of the Original Enclave


The Old Forest trees that produced the concentrated tree magic summoned Grandmasters Surat and Cha to the site of the original enclave. The settlement had been mostly disbanded and now retained a single building where the Enchanters processed the trees’ bark and sap. The Old Forest trees gave them a dire warning and instructions. Surat and Cha spread the word to the other schools.

The trees instructed the Enchanters to send for the six sanest opponents of the Enchanters’ magic to a meeting in the seaside town of Isor, where the school that sheltered Enchanted Dance and Walking the Pattern awaited. Magic Guild representatives arbitrated the meeting, and after five grueling days of negotiation, the Church Magicians’ magical discipline appeared.

Priests Established Five  Counterparts to the Enchanter Schools

Priests Established Five Counterparts to the Enchanter Schools

Priests and His Divine

Five of the opponents became Priests, and the sixth took the title of His Divine. A priest returned to each Enchanter School town, and with funding from the local Magic Guild, established a counterpart to the Enchanter School.

The five original Priests wove spells for essence usage that did not have the wanton nature of the Enchanters’ magic. The Church established marriage, hospitals, and ritual magic to honor the dead. Within one hundred days, the widespread strife stopped. The moralistic alternative to Enchanter magic appealed to the masses that craved the guidance. The Enchanters returned to their essence-producing craft and deepened their spells.

A year later, the Church flourished. Sye thrived. But the Enchanters learned the true personal cost of being the most powerful magicians in Sye. And it was oh, so very dear.

Next time: Greatest Sorrow

Find out more about the books in the Enchanters of Sye world:

Wrath, Prequel to Tredan’s Bane Book Trailer

Here is the just-release book trailer for Wrath, Prequel to Tredan’s Bane. If you haven’t read the short story Wrath, check it out on Amazon, B&N, or Smashwords.

The back cover blurb explains more about the story.

Read Chapter 1 FREE now.

See reviews about Wrath.